8-Bit Integer Processor


The purpose behind this project was to take a mathematical expression and design a cmos circuit capable of completing it, then designing a layout that could be printed and fabricated. Specifically, the cmos circuits for a 21mux, xor gate, full adder, and register were made, connected to form a single bit, then further connected to allow for 8-bit functionality. After this basic design was created and tested, the exact same steps were followed to draw the individual components and connect them all together. Each one of these components has a corresponding mathematical representation from which a truth table can be extracted. This truth table states the possible outcomes of the component in terms of its inputs and previous values if applicable. Each step of the design was compared against its corresponding truth table to ensure that it functioned properly.


The basic premises of design, floorplanning, and organising have been and are currently used in the semiconductor industry to approach problems of both smaller and greater magnitude relative to this project. Both the most complicated x86, 64-bit architecture and a simple cmos inverter are pieces of silicon capable of mathematical expression, or many in the case of a fully functioned x86 processor. Countless hours went into learning how to use the software required for the completion of the project, namely Sue, Magic VLSI, and IRSIM. Many of these tools, especially Magic, seem to be rather unintuitive, but given enough practice they can be used to quickly create and connect circuits of large scale. When it comes to the cmos expression of a mathematical function there is often one, sometimes two efficient solutions in terms of number of transistors and operating speed. This made the basic cmos expression and interconnecting process less fun than the drawing and layering done in magic VLSI. Magic allows for some individual creativity and flair on behalf of the user, resulting in designs that look completely different that accomplish the same mathematical goal. While I certainly think that my design is efficient, I'm particularly proud of how aesthetically pleasing it is overall.


The results of the project will be compiled in the order of individual component structure, 1-bit design, and finally full 8-bit functionality. More specifically, the order will be: mux, xor, full adder, register, 1-bit, then 8-bit.


The Mux can be thought of using the following expression: $$Mux21(a,b)= (A\circ\bar{S}_{0})+(B\circ S_{0})$$
Its function is rather simple, and is clearly used as a selector of two inputs. In the design used in this project, the mux selects between previously computed data from the register and new data in the form of vector B. In terms of the above equation, "A" is the register data, while "B" is vector B and its components.

Sue Mux

In terms of this picture, "In_1" corresponds to vector B and "In_0" is the register output. Just as in an inverter, the two sides of the mux use a single n-channel fet and a single p-channel fet. The selector, or "S0" in the equation, is used to update the output by connecting to both gate clusters.

This right figure is the magic layout used for mux operation. It includes an inverter on the left side to create the "Sel_bar" input attached to the gates of the n-channel on the register input and the p-channel on the B vector input. The other four gates on the right side of the image comprise the remaining logic which is actuated by Sel and Sel_bar, where the value of either In_0 or In_1 is passed to the output.

Mux Truth Table Magic Mux

The two below images were compared against the truth table to verify their functionality. The top-most of the two images is the IRSIM result of the provided Sue schematic, while the lower image is of my own VLSI drawing.

Sue IRSM of 2 to 1 MUX

The Sue IRSIM works according to the truth table, however the Sel_bar was set manually rather than being an inverter form of the select signal. Regardless of this, the output was correct according to the inputs and equation.

Magic IRSM of 2 to 1 MUX

Finally, the magic IRSIM lacks the Sel_bar output as the design includes an inverter that automatically takes the Sel input and inverts it. Regardless of this, the output still works just as it should.

LVS of 2 to 1 MUX

The last verification of the Mux is IRSIM which passed. The number of transistors for both the sue and magic circuit match, as well as the number of nets.


An Xor gate stands for exclusive or, meaning that the truth table differs from a standard "or" gate in that when both inputs are high, the output is low. When the same inputs are given to an "or" gate, the result is true.
$$Q=A\vee B=A\oplus B=(A\neq B)$$ The above equation is rather simple, but the implementation is slightly harder than that of the mux. In essence, Q will be high when either A or B is high, but not both.

Sue Xor

The center 8 mosfets are akin to a traditional "or" gate, however an inverted form of both "A" and "B" are added in series to both the n and p sides. The left and right most clusters are the inverters for the two input signals. In terms of the overall system, the subtraction signal is sent into the "b" input of the xor gate while the A vector is sent into the "a" input of the xor gate. It does not matter which input is "a" or "b," as both sides of the circuit are the same and the output will be identical regardless of configuration.

This picture on the right is the magic layout used to complete the function of the exclusive or. It is basically identical to the sue schematic in terms of layout, as the two inverters are located on the outside, and the eight mosfet logic structure is located centrally.

Xor Truth Table Magic Xor

The two below images were compared against the truth table to verify their functionality. The top-most of the two images is the IRSIM result of the provided Sue schematic, while the lower image is of my own VLSI drawing.


The Sue IRSIM test is very simple and includes every possibility according to the above truth table. All outputs are correct with respect to the given inputs.

Magic IRSIM Xor

This Magic IRSIM includes the inverted signals of A and B, which are shown to work correctly. The overall logic of the system is identical to both the Sue IRSIM and truth table.


The LVS test of the exclusive or gate passes in terms of gate quantity, but the number of nets does not match. Both the Sue and Magic simulations function identically, so this mismatch will not contribute negatively to the calculation of the system, but it may introduce a slowdown if the net is of greater size or length than it needs to be.

Full Adder

The full adder is responsible for the primary function accomplished by the system. It takes in three inputs and returns two outputs according to the following equations:
$$Sum=A\oplus B\oplus C_{in}$$ $$C_{out}=A\circ B+C_{in} \circ (A+B)$$ If any one of A, B, or Cin are set to high and the others are set to low, Sum will return high. Cout stands for carry out, meaning that if at least two of the inputs are true the result will be carried out. When all three inputs are set to high, both outputs will be set to high.

Sue Full Adder

The function of the full adder can be easily determined according to what nodes "Sum" and "Cout" connect to. As was just mentioned, Cout is only concerned with two or three inputs being true. However, it can ignore one of the inputs once it has determined that two of the inputs are already true. This narrows down the number of comparisons that need to be made to three, as that is the number of input configurations in which two inputs can be high and one can be false. This is why Cout need not be connected to the rightmost transistor configuration, which opens when all three inputs are true. Carry Out logic is handled by the three leftmost transistor configurations. Sum is set to high when one or all three of the inputs are true. What this means is that Sum can check Cout and set itself to low if Cout is high, unless all three inputs are set to high. This particular setup is very clever and reduces the number of required transistors when compared to what would be required to compute Cout and Sum separately.

The magic layout of the FA is harder to match to the Sue layout especially when compared to the xor or mux21. Attempting to do so in words is not worth doing due to the complexity

Full Adder Truth Table Magic Full Adder

The two below images were compared against the truth table to verify their functionality. The top-most of the two images is the IRSIM result of the provided Sue schematic, while the lower image is of my own VLSI drawing.

Sue IRSIM Full Adder

The Sue simulation addresses all input possibilities in terms of the number of true inputs (one, two, or all three being true). The results of the sue test were successful as expected.

Magic IRSIM Full Adder

The LVSI Magic implementation passed its IRSIM too, albeit with unnecessary uncertain values (otherwise known as X values) for the first two cycles. This occurred as a result of the fact that not all inputs had been set. Thus the first two cycles should be ignored. LVS testing of the Full Adder showed the Magic implementation to be identical to the Sue file.

LVS Full Adder


The D-Flip-Flop Register is by far the hardest of the four system elements to both implement and explain. Put simply, the register will store the value of the Full Adder Sum once its clock input rises from low to high. This functionality is further complicated by the addition of a nand gate. However, this will be addressed later in the report. If the clock input into the register is not rising (changing from low to high), the output Q will remain unchanged regardless of the new input D. This additional complexity makes an output equation less useful when compared to the aforementioned elements.

Sue Register

The top left of the schematic lies the clock inverter: the simplest portion of the entire design. Following the D input from the bottom left of the design is the easiest way to understand how the register works. If D is set to high but Clk is low, D will not be updated. If D is high and Clk is high, high is produced at the output of the leftmost transistor structure. The next block of logic is what is used to store the value of Q, where it will be saved until a rising clock allows for it to be overwritten by a new input value of D.

There is little that can be done to describe in words the Magic layout when compared to the Sue schematic -- just as with the Full Adder. One must simply follow the logic step by step.

Register Truth Table Magic Register

The two below images were compared against the truth table to verify their functionality. The top-most of the two images is the IRSIM result of the provided Sue schematic, while the lower image is of my own VLSI drawing.

IRSIM Sue Register IRSIM Magic Register

The results of the IRSIM for the Sue and Magic simulations are very simple when compared to the complexity of the schematic and Magic file. Both simulations work according to the truth table. LVS testing of the Register showed the Magic implementation to be identical to the Sue file.

LVS Register


All four of the previous components are combined into one to create one bit of the full design.

Sue 1-Bit

There are new additions to the circuit however, which are the NAND gate that connects to the Clk input of the register and the invert which creates the Sel_bar signal. The NAND equation and truth table are as follows:
$$Q=\bar{A} \wedge\bar{B}=A\bar{ \wedge}B=\bar{A}\bar{B}=A|B$$ This NAND gate contributes to the function of the register by allowing the Clk input of the register to be driven to high in accordance with the system clock and the LoadR (Load Register) signal. The output of the NAND gate will be low in the case when both the system clock and LoadR signals are true. Functionality of the new inverter is simply to create the opposite signal of Sel.

Magic 1-Bit

Above is an image of a single bit of the processor in Magic. The complexity of the system has reached the point where full understanding can only be obtained by referring to previous sections.

Sue IRSIM 1-Bit

The Sue IRSIM (pictured above) and the Magic IRSIM (pictured below) function identically.

Magic IRSIM 1-Bit LVS 1-Bit

The LVS demonstrates that both the Magic and Sue implementations have identical transistor counts, but differ in net number by 1. This net difference is caused by the xor Magic implementation having 1 more net than its respective Sue design. Just as with the xor, functionality is not influenced by this net mismatch.

Final Design (8-Bit)

Intuitively, the 8-bit schematic is a combination of interconnected single bit designs. Demonstration that the sue and magic files are identical proves that the system is functioning properly.

Sue 8-Bit

The above image is the final Sue implementation and uses many name_nets to make the logic easy to follow. Order of the bits is important when it comes to the connection of the Full Adders. This is because the carry out of bit one must go to bit 2, bit 2 's carry out must go to bit 3, and so on. The order starts with bit 1 in the top left, numbering down to bit 4 in the bottom left. Bit 4 connects to bit 5 in the top right, which finally counts down to 8 in the bottom left. On the right of the page is the final Magic floorplan of the system. The Magic system is vertically stacked in terms of bit layout, starting with bit 1 at the top and ending with bit 8 at the bottom. The system has a small and efficient design, however it could be further compressed to save space if necessary. An additional picture of a single bit of the full eight bit system is pictured below: The number of output possibilities becomes massive due to the exponential nature of the system. In total there are 768*((28)*(28)*(28)) different combinations of the vector components of the system. These vectors are the inputs "A," "B," and the output "Q." The other input signals further multiply this number by 2 for each signal, resulting in a massive 12288 unique combinations!

Magic 8-Bit IRSIM 8-Bit

The above image is the output for both the Sue simulation and the Magic simulation. No data can be viewed from this picture due to its small size relative to the amount of data, but the identical waveforms demonstrates that they are giving the same output! Below is a closer image of the Magic floorplan:

Magic 8-Bit Zoomed

The LVS showcases an identical transistor count, but a net difference just as with the 1bit test. This difference is due to the net difference of one between the sue xor design and the magic xor design. This net mismatch has multiplied by eight due to the inclusion of eight xor gates throughout the entire system. Despite this, the systems work identically!

LVS 8-Bit


The Pplot came out looking very nicely, and is basically another version of the picture provided in the previous section. The design is very slim with a width of 32 microns, and a length of 94 microns.


The process of CMOS design, schematic verification, floorplanning, and then fabrication is used by professionals across the entire semiconductor industry. This exact same process was undertaken for this project, albeit for a far more simple design than what can be found in the processors designed by AMD, Nvidia, and others. Furthermore, the project perfectly summarizes the concepts covered by the Digital Integrated Circuit Design class, as it combines all the major elements into one tangible (I would have been able to fabricate my design had covid not changed the curriculum.), functional, and potentially useful end product.

Status: Completed December 2020

Organization: Oklahoma State University